Girl - 10,5 years
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Designed by aNImaKe™
aNImaKe d.o.o.
Tyrševa ulica 6
2000 Maribor

     High precision custom made orthotics
                          High precision custom made orthotics
Her mom noticed the abrasion of shoes, on the inside edge and a heavy load on the heels.

At the first appointment it turned out that the she had a slightly pronated Achilles tendon. This resulted in an slightly x shaped knee position.  The navicular bone is slightly lowered and the longitudinal arch is suitable, maybe a bit too expressed.
Keeping in mind the minimalistic approach aNImaKe designed a low AFO orthosis so that the Achilles tendon and navicular bone were placed in a statically correct position, thus improving the overall position of the body and the load on the joints.

Initially, she felt a new pattern of walking somewhat annoying, but after two to three days, she was completely accustomed to it. She wears them every day for 4-5 hours. She states that they are completely comfortable to use and she did not observe any abrasions or imprints. She can wear them even during sports activities.

Supporting only 2/3 of her sole we allowed the first walking stage to be mobile and forced the muscle activation during walking.

She likes using them already for the last 4 months.
Date: 8.3.2018
3D Print
Designed by aNImaKe™
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