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Designed by aNImaKe
aNImaKe d.o.o.
Tyrševa ulica 6
2000 Maribor
                          High precision custom made orthotics

     High precision custom made orthotics
3D Print
Designed by aNImaKe
  a alternative
N N new
I I inovative
  m motion
  a active
K K key
  e elements
Matej and Mateja Vlašič
aNImaKe d.o.o. is a company established in order to help other children in need  like our son NIK.

It  started when,as parents, we decidet to do something that would improve Nik's walking, but wouldn't significantly affect the quality of his life.

In cooperation with Nik's physiotherapist Petra Timošenko, an RNO therapist and through the innovative process of making 3D impressions of feet in correct static position of the whole body, we were able to create a fully individual Ankle Foot Orthoses (AFO), which enabled Nik to be more correct, stable and independent when walking. Because of the principle of minimalism during the manufacturing process, the orthoses can be put in the shoes of a suitable size. Because of the perfect fit, they did not cause any blisters or even skin irritation, they were easily accepted by Nik and he loved them very much from the first fit.

Inspired and encouraged by Nik's progress after only a few months of using the orthoses and sought an objective and expert confirmation of our  observations, so we contacted Dejan Tašner, a certified orthotist and prosthetist (Ortopedski inženiring in order to perform static and dynamic measurements of Nik's feet during walking with and without orthoses.

The performed measurements confirmed the positive impact on Nik's feet, and Dejan was impressed by the usefulness of this  innovative patented process for the manufacturing of the orthoses using latest available and accessible 3D print and 3D scan technology. Through development we realized that it can eliminate the long lasting shortcomings of existing manufacturing processes available currently on the market.

The technical problem solved by the invention is such a process of capturing data, processing and producing an ankle foot orthosis, that allows the orthosis to completely fit a user’s foot and such shape of an ankle foot orthosis that will allow selective correction of individual symptoms and several symptoms simultaneously and will at the same time not reduce other user’s functionalities such as flexibility.

With a heartfelt desire to help other children in need, Petra, Dejan and we  are  now working together. As a team, we provide the complete physiotherapeutic and diagnostic treatment of the patient, and we produce an ankle foot orthoses that can prevent, eliminate or ease various disorders due to the targeted action on the individual areas of ??the feet.

The Company aNImaKe d.o.o. is registered at Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices of the Republic of Slovenia (

We demonstrate the competence and conformity of our business and product with following guidelines privided by quality systems ISO 9001 Quality management system, ISO 13485 Medical devices - Quality management systems - Requirements for regulatory purposes and ISO14907 Medical devices - Use of risk management in medical devices.
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